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Additional Resources

"Elements of My Jewish Funeral: My Wishes". This handout provides users with a brief guideline for planning a Jewish funeral. The document helps users decide which Jewish elements they would like to include in their funeral as well as serves as a directive for families or other responsible persons to follow. Click the title link to download.

Chevra Kadisha Kavod



 In Judaism we believe that all individuals have innate dignity, a spark of the divine. We are all said to be created in God’s image. Judaism holds that death does not remove this holiness. Our bodies retain a remnant of the divinity they once housed. Jewish burial rituals emphasize that all people enter the world as equals and that we leave the world as equals as well.

A Chevra Kadisha (Sacred Society) carries out the task of preparing the deceased for Jewish burial. In addition to performing the tahara or ritual purification of the dead, the Chevra Kadisha Kavod of Oahu seeks to educate interested parties about these centuries-old rituals as well as the opportunity to perform this important mitzvah. 

Download the pamphlet for more information.


*Living Jewishly Means Dying Jewishly, Too

*See for helpful resources

*Jewish Practices for End-of-Life and Remembrance

 Vidui—Confessional prayer 

Goses (m) or Gosesset (f)—Actively dying person (within 72 hours) 

From Guf to Meit/Meitah—From living body to deceased raiment 

K’vod Ha Meit—Respect for the body of the Deceased (commences at the moment of death) 

Neshamah—Level of Soul transcending death 

Niftar—Deceased Person (see also patar “exempt”) 

Aninut—Period between death and burial 

Baruch Dayan HaEmet—“Blessed is the True Judge” said upon hearing of a passing 

Onen—Bereaved person before burial (becomes Aveil, pl. Aveilim at burial) 

Kriyah—Rending of clothing or symbolic ribbon by Bereaved (at time of death or during funeral) 

Shmira—Watching over the Deceased (Shomer—one who guards) 

Taharah—Ceremony of purification of Meit/Meitah and dressing in ritual attire 

Levayah—Escorting/accompanying the Meit/Meitah to the grave 

Hesped/El Malei Rachamim—Eulogy and prayer for elevation of the Soul 

Kaddish Yatom—“Mourner’s” Kaddish; first recited at interment 

Aveil (pl. Aveilim) —Bereaved person after burial (Aveilut—State of being: bereavement) 

Se’udat havra’ah—Meal of consolation 

Ha Makom y’nachem—Blessing said by those offering comfort 

Shiva—7 day period beginning at time of burial 

“Get up” walk on 7th day 

Sheloshim—First 30 days (day of burial is first day) 

Aveilut—Prescribed period of mourning (for parents 11 months; for others 30 days) 


Yahrzeit—Anniversary of death 

Yizkor—Prayers of remembrance (Kaddish YaTom, El Malei Rachamim), said on Yom Kippur; Sukkot; Passover; Shavuot

reprinted with permission from Holly Blue

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784