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Fall 2018


The Temple Emanu-El Connection

Welcome to the digital version of the Temple Emanu-El newsletter.  If you or someone you know wishes to receive a printed version, please contact the office at 595-7521.  We welcome your feedback. Please send comments to


Editor's Note

Editing the newsletter often brings moments of surprise and appreciation for the talent of our members. In this instance, we asked Larry Seth Steinberg--he of archival fame--for a response to an article we were working on about the Temple archives. His response, an ingenious use of state abbreviations, was too good not to share with our readers:

"HI fella ...MO coming ...OK!

WA courage! ...OR is it?

ME worry? ...WY not? ...VA funny ...OH spare me!

Feel IL? ...CO clear water? ...Not UT? ...DE truth?

...MA momma tol' me- PA said (...IN passing) ...RI whiskey!!

...AR you done? MT??

Want Samoa? For good PR!

TX a lot!"

Check out Larry's interview toward the end of the newsletter. 


Rabbi Talks Temple: High Holidays, The Temple Board and More

We extend our warmest gratitude to Rabbi Ken Aronowitz for taking the time to provide us with this interview.  We believe you will find it heart warming and illuminating.  Mahalo Rabbi Ken!

NOTE: This was written before the High Holidays.

Q.  This will be your 20th year full time as being involved or leading High Holiday services.  Can you give us some perspective about how you see the past services connecting to this year’s?

A.  Well, it’s been quite a journey since 1998 when I first became affiliated with the Temple.  From 2001-02 I was the Cantorial soloist and head of religious school.  In 2005, my role was consolidated into being the Cantorial soloist.  Then in 2012, I became what I guess you’d call the ex-officio rabbi with the title of Spiritual Leader.  After my ordination in 2014 I became the official Rabbi of our congregation.

Twenty years.  It’s amazing to think about.  One way I look at my evolution is through the lens of the High Holy Day choir.  Twenty years ago I was mostly just looking at things like what pages are we doing, how is it supposed to sound?  Now, as Rabbi, it’s going beyond the words on the page.  The spiritual aspects touch me, especially when I’m on the Bimah and realize that as we pray the text “who will live and who will die?” some of the people at the service may not be around next year.

Compared to being the Cantorial soloist, as Rabbi I know our members much more intimately and relate to them more deeply.  Contemplating the meaning of the High Holy Days, a time of judgment, affirming the holiness of the day, it all becomes this mixture of the personal and the Godly.  We speak of untaneh tokef— this is a day and a moment like no other!

Q.  Can  you expand a bit on how the High Holy Days are now intertwined with your life as a rabbi?

A.  I think because I do know people more directly now, I experience the duality of the High Holy Days, both ends of the spectrum, the yin and yang of it, if you will.  Not eating, not drinking is a rehearsal for death.  But then Rosh Hashanah is filled with possibilities for positive change, for getting things right and embracing life.  And then, on the other hand we also need to embrace death, because that is part of life, too.

It all goes back to and feeds into a choice for life above all else.  I am going to do my best to convey both aspects this year:  embracing life and coming closer to terms with death.  Helping members of our community with this challenging task is an important way that each of us can be a resource for one another

As a rabbi, I regularly find myself holding the hand of one who is making the transition from this world to the next.  It feeds into facing the issue of death and dying.  It is said that what dies cannot live, and what lives cannot die.  In other words, we are composed of a soul housed by a body.  The physical body is what experiences the death.  The soul continues living on.  The physical body doesn’t represent our essence.  When you see someone’s essence, it is a very powerful and often beautiful experience.

The High Holy Days encompass it all.  And it is not just a Jewish holiday, it’s something everyone can relate to.  When we pray for healing and peace are we praying just for Jewish people?  Did Jonas Salk create vaccine for just Jewish people?  I don’t think so.

Q.  The board of trustees just installed a new leadership group.  How do you as rabbi interact with the board?

A.  I have created a list of 13-14 things that we, as an organization, need to be working on.  We want to ask for volunteers to support certain areas.  For example, Family Promise is a commitment that is undertaken by volunteers.  I have to be aware of my time and priorities.  At the same time, I want to have regular communication with Carol Kozlovich, our new board president, and Richard Field, our Executive Director.  Hopefully, various board members will act as conduits to different aspects of Temple such as our religious school.

Q.  October Surprise!  The last time we talked, you were working on a mission statement for the Temple.  You called it the Why Project.  What has transpired since?

A.  I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I had a eureka moment.  It’s just one sentence.  So now I want to have a Shabbat dinner in October to talk about who we are and who we can be as a community.  The one sentence mission statement lends itself to growth.  When the way to word it came to me, it sort of cracked the code.  My plan is to get the blessing of our Temple board and have a Shabbat dinner without a service.  We’ll include candle lighting, song, and prayer, but in lieu of a service, there would be a conversation related to the rollout of the mission statement.

Q.  We see you on the Bimah or in meetings or leading classes.  Can you give our readers a sense of what the rabbi’s job encompasses?

A.  I’m responsible for the requests I get from the Temple community and the non-Jewish community.  I’m sort of the Jewish representative for this or that, including life cycle events aside from services.  I’m thinking of things like Family Promise, cultural events, early childhood education, youth and adult education, Shabbat, holidays, visiting people who are ill.

Then there’s the 2020 trip to Israel.  We have the joint Thanksgiving service which is at the Honpa Hongwanji Buddhist Temple this year.  And I think it’s time to get an electric eternal light to go with our solar power.  I also am engaged in finding ways to honor people’s contributions and thank them. 

I enjoy getting to serve the people who are in front of me.  I try not to think about the people who don’t come in order not to lose my attentiveness to those I encounter.  I agree with the sentiment that it’s not up to us to finish the task, but neither are we free to stop working on it. So I just want to keep doing the work and am rewarded with many awesome moments in that work.

Speaking of awesome, I’ve never seen anything like the participation we have in Friday night services this summer.  Half the seats or more are filled.  The 6:30 service time seems to be working well for our members and guests.

Q. Once again, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us.


President Carol Kozlovich Shares Vision for 5779

Mahalo Carol Kozlovich!  We thank our newly elected board president for taking the time to provide us with her very thoughtful answers to our questions.

Q.  What prompted you to want to be president of the board?

I saw it as a challenge and an honor and an opportunity to do good in bringing people together, which is very important to me.  I believe I've been president of every group of which I've been a member since 'little kid time' as we say here -- but looking back, in each, whether it was geopolitical, specifically for a social or heath cause, business-related, language oriented, etc. -- everyone in each group was pretty much like minded and oriented in the same way towards a specific goal.

But the Temple is comprised of many different personalities with different approaches, needs, objectives, etc.  It's not like other groups. So that presents a challenge and attracted me as I see a potential for personal growth as well as an opportunity to serve a larger base.  And having a designated parking space, well that's the frosting on the cake! 

Q.  You have been active in the Temple for a long time.  What have you seen happening that is most encouraging about our future?

A.  The Temple membership is growing and I want to continue to do what I can to make the numbers increase.  We had a record number of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs this past year which indicates the presence of families with children and I want to see those numbers go up.  I see people attending our services who belong to other religious groups, Jewish and non-Jewish, visitors to Hawaii, persons just curious what we're about.

As long as we can provide a wholesome uplifting experience in the vein of bringing people together, that to me is very good.  And then the hope that they carry this feeling with them and are motivated to do good in their communities and to come back again to Emanu-El.  Most importantly we are giving a meaningful religious experience to persons seeking that.  I look forward to services every Shabbat--Rabbi Ken is truly amazing.  I believe others feel the same way, and more and more show up regularly, too.

Q.  Are there particular projects and/or objectives that you hope to bring about during your term?

A.  I'd like very much to hear from members of the congregation who have ideas, needs, and suggestions in this area because as president I am representing the membership and here to serve them.  I'd like to see us become more financially stable and work on projects towards that end.  I'd also like to see the appearance of the grounds improved and to enhance the look of the Bimah and various smaller projects in the interior.

If we can bring in the necessary funds I'd like to install a black-out shading system in the sanctuary so we can view films and other programs in a theater-like atmosphere and repair or replace the dividers between the sanctuary and the social hall, as the current ones don't work properly, plus various other physical improvements that are needed.  I plan to replace the Ner Tamid with one that works on electricity, thus saving the monthly cost of propane and eliminating the black soot that drops on the carpet and into the ark and has already darkened the ceiling.  Perhaps there are some angels out there who would like to sponsor these or other projects.

Rabbi Ken has an impressive list of goals and objectives for this year and I think a big part of my job is to facilitate in whatever ways possible to help achieve them.


Q.  How do you want the Temple to be interacting with the community in the next year?

A.  In one word:  “positively”! I think we've made a good start with our speaker series and musical programs that have attracted members of the community.  If we can provide educational and social programs for persons in all age brackets, we will continue in this vein, predominantly to satisfy the needs of our own congregation and then to attract other members of the community. The keys are quality, variety, and timely advertising.

Remember that old expression, “different strokes for different folks”?  Well that's very true.  If we have enough quality and variety and advertise appropriately, people will come.  So I am extending an invitation to all Temple members to tell me if you have a particular need or idea.  Email it to me at or telephone me at 808-226-9215. (If you phone me and are not already on my contact list, my phone won't identify you, and I won't answer.  If that’s the case, please leave a message and I will call you back.)

Q.  If you project out a year from today and imagine looking back, what would you most want to have accomplished?

A.  I would like the feeling that I made a difference in a positive sense.  I think it must be wonderful for the Temple architect, Ed Sullam, over 50 years after having designed the building, to be able to see it still standing and functioning as a vital part of the Jewish community and having a place in the archives of Jewish buildings in America.  I'd like to support that heritage and, in whatever ways I can, be a part of the activities in this beautiful edifice that both further enhances it physically and perpetuates it religiously for the community.


Sisterhood Gears Up for Holiday Craft Fair


By Marcia Klompus

Sisterhood has had an active year, highlighted by our successful Woman of Valor brunch honoring Gail Marcus and a booming business at our always busy Judaica Shop.

During the last year Sisterhood was able to make donations and grants exceeding $20,000. Recipients included the Temple, the Levinson-Krupp Library, and Jewish Community Services. Funds were used to purchase a new refrigerator for the kitchen, to help sponsor “Forbidden Broadway” and to support a host of other projects in need of assistance.

Mahalo to everyone who continues to support Sisterhood. As you can see, your donations went to extremely worthy causes.

As 5779 began, Sisterhood, as always, played an important role in the celebration of the High Holidays, starting with preparing and serving apples and honey on Erev Rosh Hashanah. In addition, after the conclusion of Yom Kippur, we provided support and donated food for the annual Break the Fast. Volunteers helped to set out food and assisted in cleaning up. Thanks to all, as well as to those members who support our continuing sponsorship of the Temple’s monthly Simcha Shabbat oneg.

On Sunday, November 4th from 8:30 AM-3:00 PM, we look forward to seeing everyone at the annual Craft Fair in the Temple Social Hall. This event is always full of wonderful vendors selling an array of items to all members of the community. On that day, the Judaica Shop will be offering a 25% discount on merchandise sold to Sisterhood members. In addition, there will be traditional Israeli food and potato latkes sold by JEC families to benefit the school. Become a member and come, shop, and nosh as you support our students. While you are there, enjoy a special Hanukkah show featuring students enrolled in the Jewish Experience Center.

Our Judaica Shop is stocked will goods for Hanukkah and other holidays. It is open during the week from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and after services on Friday night. We encourage you to check it out!

This coming year we have lots of fun events for our members and their families and all Sisterhood members and Chaver (male members) are invited to attend at no charge.

Please join today and take advantage of the many benefits of becoming a member of the Temple Sisterhood!

Your Sisterhood Council…

Bea, Dede, Evelyn, Gail, Jackie, Kathy, Marie, Margaret, Maya, Ruth, Sally, Sara, Sue, and Tamara.


Holy Moments: The 3rd Annual Makapu'u Shofar Hike

                                                                                                                Shofar Blower - Garry Umeda

Story By Barry Langlieb
Photos By Diane Umeda

In the early morning hours of Sunday, September 3rd, some dedicated members of our Jewish community gathered at the Makapu'u Lighthouse entrance gate to begin the ascent to the top of Makapu'u.  Since the purpose was to awaken us to the New Year 5779 with the blasts of many shofars at sunrise, the trek to the top began at 5:00 AM. With heavy skies and constant rain, a rarity for Makapu'u, the group made the soggy trip to the top.

In the drizzling rain, everyone gathered under the tallit to prepare spiritually for Rosh Hashanah and the sacred days approaching.  Then all the shofar blowers moved to higher ground looking east over the ocean.  Just as sunrise began at 6:14 AM, the clouds lifted, the sun shone, and the shofars were sounded.  It was spectacular to experience this special Jewish ritual, a "chicken skin" moment, and only in Hawaii.

But the celebration to welcome Rosh Hashanah didn't end there.  When we were blessing the apples, honey, and challah, a rainbow suddenly appeared through the clouds. Graced by the rainbow and concluding our Makapu'u gathering, Rabbi Ken led us in Selichot prayers to prepare us for the approaching Days of Awe.

With our 3rd Annual Sunrise Shofar Blowing on Makapu'u complete, everyone began a leisurely walk down the mountain as the clouds were lifting and the sun was shining.  We look forward to the the 4th Annual Sunrise Shofar Blowing on Makapu'u next year on Sunday, September 22, 2019.




Group photo from left to right:

Alice/Josh/Rabbi Ken/ Lee/Scott/Megan/Diane/Garry/Barry/Gerald/David/Bea/Jeannie/Fran/Jackie/ Mary/Penelope/Emily-Victoria (Not in photo: Merry)




By Alice Wahl Lachman

Chevra Kadisha Kavod, an inter-congregational Chevra Kadisha in Honolulu, began in July of 2017 with the support and encouragement of Rabbi Ken Aronowitz and the participation of members from Temple Emanu-El, SOF Maarav, Oahu Jewish Community, and the Aloha Jewish Chapel.

For many years, Jewish communities turned over their burial needs to Jewish funeral homes, distancing themselves from the Jewish rituals of tahara and shmiraTahara is the washing, purifying, and dressing of the meit/meitah (the deceased)  in traditional white linen shrouds, and placing her/him in a simple pine box sprinkled with earth from Israel.  Tahara is considered “midwifing the soul” by Rick Light, our January 2018 shabbaton guest presenter from Kavod V’Nichum and the Gamliel Institute. An extensive and insightful interview with Rick and the importance of returning to these Jewish rituals was published in the Connection in spring of 2018. (See

Each June, Kavod V’Nichum (meaning Honor and Comfort) and the Gamliel Institute hold an intensive 3 day conference.  I attended the conference in 2017 and the 16th annual conference this year.  In 2017, it was held at Temple Rodef Shalom in San Rafael, California, and in 2018, the conference was held at Temple Beth Shalom in Bethesda, Maryland.  During these 3 intensive days and evenings, there are more than 150 participants sharing resources, challenges, and leadership.  The schedule at the conference focuses on main topics of interest:  Text Study, Taharah, Spiritual Care, Community Funeral Home, Cemetery (2017) and Taharah Spirit, Taharah Emotions, Chaplaincy and Comfort, Community Education, and Funerals and Burial (2018).

Some examples from this year’s conference presentations included:  Coco (the movie) and the Jewish Perspective, Weaving Memories, Comforting Souls: Music for the End of Life, Greening Cemeteries, Taharah Liturgy Text Study, Keriah, Biblical Views of the Afterlife, Expanding the Role of Chevrah Leadership, Weaving the Stories of Our Ancestors in Stone, Jewish Perspectives on Physician Assisted Death, Cremation:  Jewish and Ecological Perspectives, and many more presentations.

In addition, presenters are generous with their materials and ongoing accessibility.  Also valuable are the small group discussions and networking opportunities to connect with people from all over the country and Canada who have been doing this sacred work for many years, sharing their experiences and support. And these resources have been invaluable to us here In Honolulu as we continue to build our Chevra Kadisha.

 In addition to the annual conference, Kavod V’Nichum and the Gamliel Institute offer on-line courses throughout the year.  Each 12-week course is led by a variety of dedicated teachers and the weekly 90-minute class on Zoom includes extended discussion in class and small group (chavruta) discussion of readings before class time.  I have taken two courses: Chevrah Kadisha: Taharah and Shmirah (Course 2) and Chevrah Kadisha: Origins and Evolution (Course 1).  Through these courses, we are provided with rich resources to learn and to share with our communities.  And the opportunity to link with others working with their Chevrah Kadisha and to share resources as we educate ourselves and our communities is invaluable.  

For those interested, I recommend the next course, Chevrah Kadisha: Nechama, a 12-week course that teaches about comfort for the ill and comfort for the grieving.  And in January, 2019, the 12-week course will be on Taharah and Shmirah again.  For more information and details, please go to

As we build our Chevra Kadish Kavod through our women’s and men’s study groups here in Honolulu, we are supported by these extensive resources from Kavod V’Nichum and the Gamliel Institute.  We welcome this new year 5779, grateful to the women and men who have been participating in creating our Chevra Kadisha Kavod, and we  invite others to come and learn with us as we prepare for this mitzvah  in our Jewish community.



Preserving History with Temple Archivist Larry Steinberg

Larry Steinberg is Temple Emanu-El’s intrepid archivist.  Since many members may not be aware that we have such an individual, we thought it would be good to introduce the congregation to Larry.

Q  What led you to take up the Archive responsibility?  What experience do you bring to us?

A.  When the Temple realigned in 2011, we were left without anyone with archive experience. I’d worked for the Nevada State Museum in archaeological record files, documentary photography, and field research.  Unfortunately, the state of Levinson Archives was distressingly familiar:  in need of work.  Basically, they were the same as the Nevada state records were in the pre-computer 1970s, which is to say dusty drawers of manila folders with research opportunities restricted by archaic technology.  Forward movement was necessary.

Q.  Why do you do it?                                                                                                                          

A.  My best guess is, it probably stems from about 1957 when Rabbi Louis Kaplan charged us with being THE future leaders of Judaism, destined to be educators, congregational leaders, board members, and (mindful) guides of those that would, in due time, carry on for us. 

I had an extensive career in historic research, cartography, and historical archeology.   Educating students and training interested amateurs has always been a fundamental direction of my life. The goal?  Preserving a firm base to carry us into the future and nurturing those who will become the face of that future.

WHO:  The archives are named for the first (and ten-term) President of Temple Emanu-El, Bernard H. Levinson.  In addition to that honor, in his spare time, Bernard was an Associate Justice of the Hawaii Supreme Court.

WHAT:  Levinson Archives assumes a wide responsibility, including storing a record of Hawaii’s current and expired Jewish organizations, gathering and filing current news of the Jewish community, and protecting artifacts donated to Temple Emanu-El’s collections.

Rather than taking time from the rabbi, president, and executive director, we research and answer many odd questions that arrive from all over the world:  Where is the first Jewish cemetery on Oahu located?  Is there REALLY a Royal Hawaiian torah?  Do you still have the Jewish Federation Presidents’ plaque with my Zayde’s name on it? .

WHERE:  We are, currently, a moving target.  Our official location is in the Weinberg Building, but in any particular month, a Family Promise family may be occupying that space, and you can find us draped over a convenient computer somewhere.

WHEN: “As soon as possible!”  We are on duty 24/6.

HOW:  Our most fruitful product, hopefully, will be a modern Archive which brings the Temple Emanu-El collection from the 19th Century (browning newsprint and manila file folders) into the 21st Century (computers, scanners, CD/DVD copies, digital reproduction).  We urge people to consider if the aging Sisterhood papers from Bubbe’s dusty desk could benefit the Temple’s collection.  

A B’nei Mitzvah whose skills could satisfy a Chesed project could be of mutual benefit.  (Your basic 12 year old has skills, since most have been manipulating a computer their whole life!)  Individual volunteer commitments are crucial and welcomed.  Temple members Randy Jensen and Diane Umeda have significantly moved us forward, cataloging the Cornfield Judaica collection and digitizing cassette recordings (dating back 40+ years) to CD format .



"Calabash Movies" Coming to Temple Emanu-El

by Kathy Krammer

The Honolulu Jewish Film Festival, sponsored by Temple Emanu-El, enters its 17th year on the tails of a successful last season with many firsts. We will continue to build on that this season. The event will be held at Doris Duke Theater for two consecutive weekends beginning March 2, 2019. In addition, HJFF will be showing films at the Temple monthly starting in November in our Calabash series. These offerings will include speakers and teachers so that our SJS and JEC students can participate.

There are two committees already at work. The film screeners have been working diligently, viewing over 80 films and Israeli television episodes since mid-July. There are more films coming in nearly every week. In addition to working directly with distributors, film directors have been submitting their films for us to consider.

The executive committee has been working since mid-April to explore options for sponsorships, promotions, special speakers and events that can connect to the festival to add to the entire experience.

Read future Temple eblasts for “Calabash Movies” dates and times. Be sure to mark your calendars for opening night, Saturday, March 2, 2019. See you at the movies!




From March 1-September 26, 2018

Frank Fernandez
Jack Epstein in memory of Sarah Epstein
Sid and Becky Rosen in memory of Judie Rosen
Lisa Rosenlee in memory of Judith Rosen
Anita Mueller in memory of Leyah Goldberg Brosbe
Sally Morgan in memory of Goldie Arkin
Dr. Carol A. Dickson
Larry Mild in memory of Hannah J. Mild
Larry Mild in memory of Hilda E. Mild
Leonard Rossoff and Eileen Hilton in memory of Bessie Cohen Rossoff
Dan Bender and Valerie Hashimoto wishing Barry Langlieb good health
Marcia and Lenny Klompus in memory of Jeffrey Robert Cherner
Frank Fernandez for Pesach
Irwin Malzman in memory of Lillian Malzman
Carol Kozlovich in memory of Zelda Kaufman
Kenneth Marcus in memory of Regina Fasberg Haak
Martha Katz in memory of Josephine Neuberger
Alex Weinstein in memory of Abraham Weinstein
Pratibha Eastwood
Frank Fernandez for Shavuot
Lynne Halevi in memory of Fannie Grossman and Isaac Alevy
Barry Langlieb in memory of Ceilia Langlieb
Lourdes Secola Ocanto in appreciation of Shabbat hospitality and in honor of Chloe Devere’s Bat Mitzvah
Judith, James and Megan Hiramoto in memory of Doris Rose
Ruth Freedman for the yahrzeit of Saul Freedman
Don and Sandra Armstrong in memory of Sylvia Wolff (Mother of Howard Wolff)
Fran Margulies in appreciation of Rabbi Ken Aronowitz
Steve Edwards in memory of Abe Edwards and Jan Degen
Polina Druker in memory of Gregory Druker

Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in memory of Sey Ulansey
Harvey and Diane Minsky in honor of their granddaughter’s naming ceremony
Marcia Klompus in memory of Benjamin Mensh
Ruth Freedman for the yahrzeit of Sally Freedman
Joan Sedeno
Chloe Devere
Mr. Rubin Perlmutter
Ruth Freedman for the yahrzeit of Elissa Josephsohn
Polina Druker in memory of Shifra Sheiner
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Ruth Freedman’s birthday
Celia King in honor of Marie Satz’s Birthday
Frank Fernandez for the High Holidays
Aaron Alter in memory of Jason Alter
Alan Krumholz, Barbara Blumberg, Mark
Krumholz and Family for the High Holidays
Dr. Philip Hellreich
Jean Simon
Joan Sedeno
Jesse Soberman


Evelyn Davis in memory of Louis Vogel
Wendy Merkovitz

Lynne Halevi in memory of Nathan Grossman
Barry Langlieb in memory of Edward Langlieb

Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Ivy Yeoh’s Confirmation
David and Beatriz Haymer in memory of Murray Haymer
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor Morgan Pascal’s Bat Mitzvah
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Chloe Devere’s Bat Mitzvah

Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Mehana Paul’s Bat Mitzvah
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Jude Hill’s Bar Mitzvah
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Izabelle Shauriki’s Bat Mitzvah


Reuben and Mimi Levy in memory of Dina Rachel Levy
Kathy Krammer in memory of Robert Krammer
Pamela Blackfield in memory of Cecilia Blackfield
Helen Hurtig in memory of David Hurtig
Jerry and Vanny Clay in memory of Ruth Clay
Rosemary and Larry Mild in memory of Luby and Saul Pollack
Dora T. Sapiro in memory of Norman A. Sapiro
Stuart Novick in memory of Jehiel Novick
Herb Latner in memory of Carol Friedman’s mother
Barry Langlieb in memory of Arthur Langlieb
Helen Hurtig in memory of Yetta Boiman
Jerry and Vanny Clay in memory of Rose Cohen
Leah Gold in memory of Morris Gold
Polly Khalife in memory of Freddi Khalife
Arnold Feldman in memory of Sarah Feldman
Jeff and Elizabeth Grad in memory of Vincent Grad
Jennifer Kane in memory of Markene Kane
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Celia King's birthday
Sandy Gottesman in memory of Wally Gottesman and in honor of Marcia Klompus’s presidency
Ken and Shizue Goldblatt in memory of Sylvia Wolf, Morton Kinzler and Sanae Kawano
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Lynne Halevi’s birthday
Barry Langlieb and Alice Lachman in honor of Lynne Halevi’s birthday
Jan Strasburg in memory of Earl Strasburg
Helen Hurtig in memory of Bernard Hurtig
Patricia Goodman
Sheila Gerstman in memory of Harold and Helen Gerstman
Larry Mild in memory of George L. Mild
Alice Lachman in gratitude of Rabbi Ken Aronowitz’s thoughtful and gracious High Holiday Services
Shirley Klippert for the High Holidays

Don Wong




Marcia and Lenny Klompus


Robert Steinberg in memory of Mother Etta Toff Steinberg, Father Philmore Steinberg, and Grandparents Israel and Tille Steinberg and Herman and Betty Toff
Robert Steinberg made and additional donation in memory of his grandparents Israel and Tille Steinberg, Herman and Betty Toff
The Umeda Family in honor of Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg
Rosemary and Larry Mild in memory of Miriam Luby Wolfe


Alan and Ana Gamble

Justin and Galit Levinson
Larry and Rosemary Mild
Robert Steinberg in memory of Etta and Philmore Steinberg
John and Eudice Schick in honor of their great-granddaughters Iolana Ferreira, Halialani Ferreira and Mikaela Fisher
Barbara Edelstein in honor of her family
Suzanne Schneiderman in memory of Bernie Schneiderman
Mike and Deborah Washofsky in honor of Sally Morgan
Joanne Shapiro in memory of Bob Lessard
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg
Jack Epstein
Merry Glass and Arn Nurock
The Segal Family
James and Cherye Pierce
Marc and Elaine Coel
Josh, Elila, Ada and Ezra Levinson
Jerry and Vanny Clay in honor of Gail Marcus
Bruce Berger in honor of Lizzy Meisels
Gloria Katz in memory of Esther and Jacob Katz
Margery Ziffrin
Richard and Madeleine Hill in honor of Jude and Asher Hill
Jonathan Lyon in memory of Nathan Lyon
Mathew Sgan
Kara and Igor Dubinsky in memory of Esfir Dubinskaya
Sharon Weiner
Howard Merl
Lisa Jacobson and Alexander Berk
Errol and Nancy Rubin
Phyllis Dendle
Sam Kaznetz
The Karmon Family
Katrina Moss
Todd and Theresa Devere
Felice Valmas
Daniel Bender
Linda Martell
Dan and Jerusha Tabori in memory of Gabriel Tabori
Laurie and David Hanan
David and Beatriz Haymer
Sara Izen
George and Sandy Apter
Jean Hankin-Jones in memory of Freddy Jones
Bill and Karlyn Pearl in honor of Daniel Bender
James and Sally Zukerkorn Foundation in memory of Herbert Zukerkorn

Barry Langlieb in honor of Rabbi Ken Aronowitz
Sally Morgan in honor of Richard Field in thanks for his help!
William and Karlyn Pearl in memory of William Emden Pearl and Sara G. Pearl
Dr. Malcolm Paul in honor of Mehana Paul’s Bat Mitzvah
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Levinson in memory of Bernard and Carlyn Levinson
The Karmon Family
Max Lieberman
Julie Kessler
Sandy Gottesman for the yahrzeit of Louis Gottesman
Helen Hurtig for the yahrzeit of Eva Birn
Vanny and Jerry Clay in memory of Silvia Wolff
Errol and Nancy Rubin
Noah and Corinne Solomon
Jake Houseman and Alicia Moy
Alex Weinstein
Leonidas Konstantopoulos
Robert and Judy Liu
Bob and Andrea Snyder
Sue Schneiderman in memory of Bernie Schneiderman
Diane Farkas and Larry Steinberg in honor of Justin Levinson
Shachar and Heidi Argov

Ed Sullam in memory of Freda Sullam
Mort Nemiroff


Cappy and Alexis Friedman in memory of Harry Julius Friedman
Jim, Judy and Megan Hiramoto in memory of 
Doris Rose, Eric Rose, Marcel Rose, Olga Rose, Valerie Lehr, Richard Lehr , Hatsue Hiramoto and Hiroshi Hiramoto
Stan Jacobs and the Jacobs Ohana in memory of Kimberly Jacobs, Rose Jacobs and Joseph Jacobs
Alex Lichton in memory of Marilyn Lichton, 
Ira Lichton, Sherry Lichton and Edith Lichton
Carol Kaufman Reed Kozlovich, Beth0Ann Reed Kozlovich Sage and William Hapden

Judith Liu and Robert Liu in memory of A. Saul Cohen, Adeline Cohen and Michael Nattenberg
Larry and Rosemary Mild in memory of Miriam Luby Wolfe, 
John Mild, 
Hilda Mild, George L. Mild, Hannah J. Mild , Luby Pollack, Saul K. Pollack, Henry Pollack
Minnie Pollack, Harry Bragarnick, Elizabeth Bragarnick, Robert Bragarnick, Ruth Bragarnick, Maurice Ostrow, Lucile Ostrow, Sol Pokrass and Dorothy Pokrass
Stuart Novick in memory of Judith Novick, Jehiel Novick and Dorothy Novick
Len Rossoff and Eileen Hilton in memory of Cal and Bessie Rossoff
Dora Sapiro and Linda Sapiro Fujii in memory of Barnett Sapiro, Lillian Sapiro, Norman Abraham Sapiro and Louis Sapiro
Arnold and Brenda Widder and Felice Valmas in memory of Dr. Felix Widder, Beatrice Widder, Shalom Ginsburg, Irving Krassenbaum and Rebecca Krassenbaum
Howard and Jana Wolff in memory of Sylvia Wolff and Dr. Richard Adler
Helen, Joy and Rodney Hurtig and Evan Murillo in memory of Bernard Hurtig, David Hurtig, Reva Hurtig, Ann Hurtig, Eva Birn, Sam Birn and Yetta Boiman
Jerry and Vanny Clay in memory of Rose Cohen, Bessie Cohen, Ruth Clay and Louis Clay
Richard and Sandy Kersten in memory of Miriam Lewis Kersten and Caesar Shepard Kersten
Philip Lahne and Pamela Corpuz-Lahne in memory of Herbert Lahne, Esther Lahne, Eleanor Israel, Albert Corpuz, Philip Leonard Lahne, Frida Meisel
Harvey and Diane S. Minsky in memory of Esther Whitman, Abraham Whitman,  Mildred J. Minsky, Ilene Sandra Dorfman, Gladys Fritz and Barney Fritz
Eudice and John Schick in memory of Minnie M. Rosenstein, Joseph Rosenstein adn Harry Rosenstein
Andrea and Bob Snyder in memory of David Gamberg, Mae Simon, Morris Simon, Abe Gamberg, Clara Gamberg and William Vaughn
Gerald, Diane and Garry Umeda in memory of Neal E. Sorensen, Patricia J. Sorensen, Ruth Y. Umeda, Douglas K. Umeda and Brad Tokunaga
Barry Langlieb in memory of Edward Langlieb and David Pincus
Myrna Lee Chang in memory of Paul Teba
Rona Adams in memory of Lillian T. Adams and Harry Adams
Jonathon Lyon in memory of Murray L. Lyon, Nathan Lyon, Ethel Lyon, Sidney Flanzbaum and Selina Flanzbaum

Donna Allen-Queener, Brenda Allen and Francine Allen in memory of David Allen, Rose Allen, Steve Allen, Sadie Kartzman, Irving Kartzman and Elaine Kartzman
Sandy Gottesman in memory of Rose Gottesman and Jeff Gottesman
Linda Martell in memory of Ruth Martell, Gerald Martell, Harry Martell, Blanche Steinthal, Harold Steinthal, Myron Steinthal, Harriet Jacobs, Samuel Jacobs,
John Barkai Sr., Livia Barkai and Stephen Server

Arnold Feldman in memory of Philip Feldman and Sarah Feldman
Reuben and Mimi Levy in memory of Dina Rachel Levy and Ruth Jacobs Levy
Robert Steinberg and Family in memory of Philmore & Etta Steinberg, Israel &Tillie Steinberg, Herman & Betty Toff, Herman & Rose Telman, Shimon & Ethel Steinberg,

Fane Friedman and Barbara Albert
Karen Blackfield and Pamela Blackfield in memory of William Blackfield, Cecilia Blacfield, Leland Blackfield, Ben Malik, Molly Malik, David Blackfield and Minna Blackfield
Mort Nemiroff and Family in memory of Jackie Nemiroff, Morris Brown, Beatrice Brown, Dora Curtis, Lou Bomol, Louis Nemiroff and Gertrude Nemiroff
Sue Schneiderman and Family in memory of Bernie Schneiderman
Ruth Freedman in memory of Joseph Freedman, Rachel Freedman, Saul Freedman, Paula Freedman and Sally Freedman


Bob and Suzan Bach
Jerry and Vanny Clay
Bill and Sharron Fisherman
Ruth Freedman
Brian and Leela Goldstein
David Henkin
Jake Houseman
Stan Jacobs
Cathy Joseph
Beth-Ann Kozlovich
Barry Langlieb
Robert and Judy Liu
Larry and Rosemary Mild in memory of Miriam Luby Wolfe
Mani Pakizeh
Scott and Malia Paul
Eudice Schick
Jane Schwager
Barbara Bronster
Esther Stein in memory of Paul and Shirley Stein
Michael and Margaret Stiglitz
Margery Ziffrin and John Marlowe
Cindy Goldstein
Samantha Smith
Kristi Maynard and Timothy Older

Todd and Wendy Marsh
Andrea Jacobs
Terry Jennings
Jacqueline Tamman
Mitchell Bednarsh



Stuart Novick, editor, writer

     Stephanie DeMello, layout and production

Diane Farkas, proof reader

Sat, May 18 2024 10 Iyar 5784